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Biblical Repentance The Need of This Hour edition by L R Shelton Jr Religion Spirituality eBooks

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Another quality eBook from Chapel Library.

The Need of Repentance

Why is Biblical repentance the need of this hour? Because we are living in a day when most religious leaders actually deny the need for repentance. If they preach it at all, they water it down like the seminary president who said repentance means no more than “a gentleman telling God he is sorry.” Others say that repentance was only for the Jews and not for us today. Some say that repentance is only for the children of God and has nothing to do with lost sinners, while others teach just the opposite they say repentance is only for lost sinners but not for the children of God! And still others claim that repentance is just a form of works and unnecessary for any group! So, my purpose is to refute these fatal errors that are beguiling precious souls to eternal destruction.

Now let us hear the testimony of the Word of God. In Luke 133 and 5 we hear our Lord’s words “Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” What He is saying is this “Unless you lay down your arms of rebellion against God, you shall perish in Hell, for you abide under the wrath of God. Confess your sins and leave them or you shall perish forever!”

So to begin with, I must set forth the effect of sin upon the human race, especially upon you and me. What is sin?

Sin Its definition

Sin in its essence is rebellion against God.[1] This means thinking we have the right to do with ourselves as we please and acting independently of God and His Holy law. As the Apostle John says, “Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law for sin is the transgression of the law” (1Jo 34). In fact sin is our way of saying to God, “Stay out of my life; I don’t need you.”

Sin Its Solemn Consequences

The doctrine of sin’s effect upon you and me and the whole human race is most solemn. As no heart can sufficiently conceive, so no tongue can adequately express the state of wretchedness and ruin which sin has brought upon guilty, miserable man. You ask, “What has it done?” Oh my friend, it has separated us from God! It has warped and ruined our bodies, souls, and spirits! Sin has filled our bodies with sickness and disease. Sin has defaced the image of God in our souls. Sin has cut off our fellowship with Him Who made us in His own moral likeness! Sin has made you and me by nature lovers of evil and haters of God, Who is the only good. Yes, it is a most solemn thing to view sin in the light of God’s Word, to see what it has done to man, to God and His Christ, and to God’s creation! Sin has shut us out from God and opened the gates of Hell. It is solemn, because sin has cost man his most precious possession—his never-dying soul.

Sin Humbling to Man

Again, the doctrine of sin as revealed in God’s Word is a very humbling one. Why? Because the Bible does not present us as merely ignorant and in need of instruction. Neither does it present us as run down and in need of a tonic. Rather, it reveals that you and I have become spiritually dead and void of any righteousness that will commend us to God.

This means we are spiritually without strength, thoroughly incapable of bettering ourselves, exposed to the wrath of God, and unable to perform a single work which can find acceptance with a holy God (Rom 310-18).

The impossibility of anyone gaining God’s approval by his own works appears plainly in the case of the rich young ruler who came to Christ (Mat 19). When you judge this young man by human standards, he was a model of virtue and religious attainment. Yet, like so many others who trust in self-efforts and self-righteousness, he was ignorant of the spirituality and strictness of God’s law. When Christ showed him the covetousness of his heart, he went away sorrowful,
for he had great riches. It was humbling to find out that his best duties in religion were nothing but stinking rags in the nostrils of God (Isa 646)…

Biblical Repentance The Need of This Hour edition by L R Shelton Jr Religion Spirituality eBooks

L.R.Shelton Jrs. Biblical Repentance-The Need Of The Hour was first published(I believe)in the late 1970's.If it were published today,a more appropriate title might be 'Biblical Repentance-The Need Of The Day'.Why would I suggest this change? Partly because,since this booklet was published there have been important works reprinted(such as -Evangelical Repentance John Colquohn,Thomas Boston's The Necessity Of Repentance,The Acceptable Sacrifice John Bunyan...)and some significant new works published(The Grace Of Repentance-Sinclair Ferguson,Repent Or Perish-John Gerstner,What Is Repentance? R.C.Sproul...)yet there is still room for solid works on this teaching,because the necessity of repentance as part of God's saving work is still denied by many in 'Broad Evangelical Circles'.

Repentance became necessary when sin entered the world.To understand why repentance is necessary,one must have a solid grasp of what sin is.Pastor Shelton gets to the heart of it with this brief definition-"Sin in its essence is rebellion against God. ...thinking we have the right to do with ourselves as we please...". If he could man would 'ungod God',he does not want to answer to anyone but sinful man desires to be autonomous.

An essential part of 'True Repentance' is the ongoing necessity of it-"Biblical Repentance is perpetual-God's child will repent till God take him home." Just as faith is active and lively(if it is genuine)so is repentance.Neither of them are one time acts,never to be repeated.

How does a person know if their repentance is genuine? God's word says that a good tree brings forth good fruit.Turning from and hating what God hates and walking in 'God's Ways'(in the light of his holy word)-"...he shows that his repentance is real by walking in the pathway of righteousness...".

In Acts 17:30 God declares that he 'commands all men everywhere to repent'. Why?The only way to escape God's judgement is 'To Repent And Believe The Gospel'.What if a person does not repent?"...he will meet you in judgement without mercy!"

Shelton asserts that repentance and forgiveness of sin should be preached together and that they are inseparably connected.'Repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations.'

L.R.Shelton Jr. was the founder and Pastor of Mount Zion Bible Church of which 'Chapel Library'(which publishes this work)is a part.He went to be with the Lord in 2003.The ministry of 'Chapel Library' continues to publish and distribute worldwide,valued works such as Mr.Shelton's Biblical Repentance-The Need Of The Hour.

Product details

  • File Size 196 KB
  • Print Length 33 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Chapel Library (September 16, 2014)
  • Publication Date September 16, 2014
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

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Biblical Repentance The Need of This Hour edition by L R Shelton Jr Religion Spirituality eBooks Reviews

L.R.Shelton Jrs. Biblical Repentance-The Need Of The Hour was first published(I believe)in the late 1970's.If it were published today,a more appropriate title might be 'Biblical Repentance-The Need Of The Day'.Why would I suggest this change? Partly because,since this booklet was published there have been important works reprinted(such as -Evangelical Repentance John Colquohn,Thomas Boston's The Necessity Of Repentance,The Acceptable Sacrifice John Bunyan...)and some significant new works published(The Grace Of Repentance-Sinclair Ferguson,Repent Or Perish-John Gerstner,What Is Repentance? R.C.Sproul...)yet there is still room for solid works on this teaching,because the necessity of repentance as part of God's saving work is still denied by many in 'Broad Evangelical Circles'.

Repentance became necessary when sin entered the world.To understand why repentance is necessary,one must have a solid grasp of what sin is.Pastor Shelton gets to the heart of it with this brief definition-"Sin in its essence is rebellion against God. ...thinking we have the right to do with ourselves as we please...". If he could man would 'ungod God',he does not want to answer to anyone but sinful man desires to be autonomous.

An essential part of 'True Repentance' is the ongoing necessity of it-"Biblical Repentance is perpetual-God's child will repent till God take him home." Just as faith is active and lively(if it is genuine)so is repentance.Neither of them are one time acts,never to be repeated.

How does a person know if their repentance is genuine? God's word says that a good tree brings forth good fruit.Turning from and hating what God hates and walking in 'God's Ways'(in the light of his holy word)-"...he shows that his repentance is real by walking in the pathway of righteousness...".

In Acts 1730 God declares that he 'commands all men everywhere to repent'. Why?The only way to escape God's judgement is 'To Repent And Believe The Gospel'.What if a person does not repent?"...he will meet you in judgement without mercy!"

Shelton asserts that repentance and forgiveness of sin should be preached together and that they are inseparably connected.'Repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations.'

L.R.Shelton Jr. was the founder and Pastor of Mount Zion Bible Church of which 'Chapel Library'(which publishes this work)is a part.He went to be with the Lord in 2003.The ministry of 'Chapel Library' continues to publish and distribute worldwide,valued works such as Mr.Shelton's Biblical Repentance-The Need Of The Hour.
Ebook PDF Biblical Repentance The Need of This Hour  edition by L R Shelton Jr Religion  Spirituality eBooks

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